
Mike and Cindy Struven

Mike and Cyndi have been faithful servants since Anthem Chapel began fellowshipping together. In November 2020 they were invited to Mazatlan, Mexico for 6 months to support Calvary Maranatha. They  continue to return there annually to serve Calvary Maranatha and their church plants. The vision of Calvary Maranatha is to plant churches in Mazatlan, other areas off Mexico, and South America. Calvary Stone Island, their most recent church plant began on March 6, 2022 and Mike and Cyndi will support that church as well.  
While in Mazatlan, they serve in a variety of ways to fulfill this vision.  They minister to the English speaking community there through home group, discipleship, and fellowship. Other ministries include teaching English, Cooking, and Sewing classes to kids; children’s ministry; occasionally teaching at the church planting class, conference, and men and women’s Bible studies. They also host Spanish speaking families in their home for dinner and fellowship.

The Ozturk Family

Merhaba! We’re the Öztürk’s. We serve and pastor at a local church in a secular Islamic city that has a population of over 5 million. Our church is people from all over the place- the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Central Asia and China. Some are refugees passing through, others are immigrants finding a new home.

Please pray for our church family to grow in love, unity, and obedience to all that Jesus commanded so that we would bring him glory in all that we do. Pray for us and our children to thrive and and live in peace within our community.

The Ozturk Family

Merhaba! We’re the Öztürk’s. We serve and pastor at a local church in a secular Islamic city that has a population of over 5 million. Our church is people from all over the place- the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Central Asia and China. Some are refugees passing through, others are immigrants finding a new home.

Please pray for our church family to grow in love, unity, and obedience to all that Jesus commanded so that we would bring him glory in all that we do. Pray for us and our children to thrive and and live in peace within our community.

Jeannette and Eddie Mijares

We are the Mijares family and God has sent us to be messengers of His love to East Tijuana in a community called Homex. We are located close to the Dump site, where the gospel is also preached and people who live there now come to church every Sunday! We are so excited to see what the Lord has  planned for Homex.

Please pray for the people of the dump and Homex. It is a very spiritually hardened land but we all know the power of Christ! We also ask to keep our family in prayer as we continue to be His hands and feet.

Jeannette and Eddie Mijares

We are the Mijares family and God has sent us to be messengers of His love, to East Tijuana in a community called Homex. We are located close to the Dump site, where the gospel is also preached and people who live there now come to church every Sunday! We are so excited to see what the Lord has  planned for Homex.

Please pray for the people of the dump and Homex. It is a very spiritually hardened land but we all know the power of Christ! We also ask to keep our family in prayer as we continue to be His hands and feet.

Hugo and Brenda Limon

In 2015 we arrived in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico where the population is 1 million inhabitants and is known for violence and drug trafficking, all with the vision of planting churches that faithfully teach the word of God.

Since then we have planted 6 Calvary Chapel churches around the city and this year we plan to plant 3 more. We ask for prayer for the communities we are reaching and for our church planting school students.

Hugo and Brenda Limon

In 2015 we arrived in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico where the population is 1 million inhabitants and is known for violence and drug trafficking, all with the vision of planting churches that faithfully teach the word of God.

Since then we have planted 6 Calvary Chapel churches around the city and this year we plan to plant 3 more. We ask for prayer for the communities we are reaching and for our church planting school students.

German and Mari Lopez

We have answered the call to plant a bilingual Calvary Chapel Church teaching verse by verse through the whole counsel of God in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.  We have started life groups, women’s & men’s groups, a youth group and a group that celebrates recovery and helps people with their addictions.  

Our mission is to reach souls for our Lord Jesus by preaching the gospel, and our vision is to plant churches.  We are very blessed and excited about what the Lord will do in our lives and we believe the best is yet to come!

German and Mari Lopez

We have answered the call to plant a bilingual Calvary Chapel Church teaching verse by verse through the whole counsel of God in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.  We have started life groups, women’s & men’s groups, a youth group and a group that celebrates recovery and helps people with their addictions.  

Our mission is to reach souls for our Lord Jesus by preaching the gospel, and our vision is to plant churches.  We are very blessed and excited about what the Lord will do in our lives and we believe the best is yet to come!

Zeddie Muzungu

Zeddie has been serving as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kampala and Director of Calvary Chapel Bible College-Uganda Affiliate Campus since 2013.

Calvary Chapel Kampala was planted in 2002 as a Bible teaching church with a mission to love and disciple. They’re committed to proclaiming the Gospel and planting churches. Over ten churches have been planted through this ministry!

Zeddie has also helped to establish Calvary Chapel Bible College-Uganda Affiliate Campus. This campus was established alongside the church with the goal of training and equipping Christians for ministry. Over 200 pastors and leaders have been trained over the years.
Zeddie and his wife Hope are also committed to building healthy families by regularly hosting a married couples’ fellowship at their house.

Zeddie Muzungu

Zeddie has been serving as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kampala and Director of Calvary Chapel Bible College-Uganda Affiliate Campus since 2013.

Calvary Chapel Kampala was planted in 2002 as a Bible teaching church with a mission to love and disciple. They’re committed to proclaiming the Gospel and planting churches. Over ten churches have been planted through this ministry!

Zeddie has also helped to establish Calvary Chapel Bible College-Uganda Affiliate Campus. This campus was established alongside the church with the goal of training and equipping Christians for ministry. Over 200 pastors and leaders have been trained over the years.
Zeddie and his wife Hope are also committed to building healthy families by regularly hosting a married couples’ fellowship at their house.

Tony and Angela Carranza

My name is Tony Carranza, and I am a church planter in Mexico. In 2016, my wife Angela and I and our son Kaleb were called to leave our life in Baja California to plant a church in Mazatlan in Sinaloa, Mexico. After five years, we have seen many families restored and reached by the power of God through Calvary Maranatha Mazatlan.

Our goal is to make the name of Jesus famous in Mazatlan through church planting. To date, we have planted three churches in the Mazatlan area, and we will be planting our fourth church in July 2022. Our longing is to see families reached and restored through the divine power of the Holy Spirit. Today, our church in Mazatlan is very much in love with Jesus, and we continue to grow and reach Mazatlan through church planting. Thank you for your love and support of Calvary Maranatha and our family.

Tony and Angela Carranza

My name is Tony Carranza, and I am a church planter in Mexico. In 2016, my wife Angela and I and our son Kaleb were called to leave our life in Baja California to plant a church in Mazatlan in Sinaloa, Mexico. After five years, we have seen many families restored and reached by the power of God through Calvary Maranatha Mazatlan.

Our goal is to make the name of Jesus famous in Mazatlan through church planting. To date, we have planted three churches in the Mazatlan area, and we will be planting our fourth church in July 2022. Our longing is to see families reached and restored through the divine power of the Holy Spirit. Today, our church in Mazatlan is very much in love with Jesus, and we continue to grow and reach Mazatlan through church planting. Thank you for your love and support of Calvary Maranatha and our family.

Ron Miller

Blessings Anthem! Thank you so much for coming alongside us here at B.I. I have been ministering in the Golden Triangle, 10/40 window, for over 3 decades. We have 5 orphanages/discipleship houses, with around 135 of us, in and around the Chiang Rai area in Northern Thailand (Golden Triangle), and a Bible training center in Theong, Thailand. We are primarily called to minister to the tribal groups, animists and spirit worshipers, in Northern Thailand, Laos. Myanmar, Southern China and Vietnam. We have 10 different tribal groups represented in our orphanages: the Hmong, Lisu, Karen, Lahu, Akha, Kamu,  TaiYai, Wa, a Muslim child and some ethnic Thai children. By God’s grace, we have witnessed literally hundreds upon hundreds of folks come to faith. Entire tribal groups (the Yellow Banana Leaf People and the White Hmong) have been impacted by the “Good News” of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. In Acts 17, the apostles are accused “Of upsetting the world (with the Gospel).” Well, we may not be “upsetting the entire World ” but, by God’s grace, we have most certainly impacted lots of folks here in the Golden Triangle with His love, grace and mercy. Anthem brothers and sisters, you are loved, prayed for and appreciated. Blessings, grace and mercy.

Ron Miller

Blessings Anthem! Thank you so much for coming alongside us here at B.I. I have been ministering in the Golden Triangle, 10/40 window, for over 3 decades. We have 5 orphanages/ discipleship houses, with around 135 of us, in and around the Chiang Rai area in Northern Thailand (Golden Triangle), and a Bible training center in Theong, Thailand. We are primarily called to minister to the tribal groups, animists and spirit worshipers, in Northern Thailand, Laos. Myanmar, Southern China and Vietnam. We have 10 different tribal groups represented in our orphanages: the Hmong, Lisu, Karen, Lahu, Akha, Kamu,  TaiYai, Wa, a Muslim child and some ethnic Thai children. By God’s grace ,we have witnessed literally hundreds upon hundreds of folks come to faith. Entire tribal groups (the Yellow Banana Leaf People and the White Hmong) have been impacted by the “Good News” of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.  In Acts 17, the apostles are accused “Of upsetting the world (with the Gospel).” Well, we may not be “upsetting the entire World ” but, by God’s grace, we have most certainly impacted lots of folks here in the Golden Triangle with His love, grace and mercy. Anthem brothers and sisters, you are loved, prayed for and appreciated.  Blessings, grace and mercy.

Peter and Tammy Russell

Wild Hope International believes that real change in Africa, change that will last, will not come from the West, but from Africans themselves.  Wild Hope seeks to train, equip and release African Christian leaders who will do just that…bring Gospel transformation to their communities.  We do this by training in Deep Level Discipleship through small groups and leading Discovery Bible Studies with non-believers.

Foundational to Wild Hope’s training is imparting to disciples a deep awareness of the Love of the Father…a love that is transformational.  When we experience the love of the Father and realize our position as beloved sons and daughters, the Holy Spirit leads us in obedience, to become passionate about joining the Father in His mission to reach those who have not yet been reached.
In the 31 years that we have been ministering here, by God’s grace, the Maasai have moved from being unreached to being reached. Now the church planting movement among the Maasai continues with its own leadership, but we, with some of our first Maasai disciples Solomon and Sarah Kipi, are now seeking to generate a heart to go beyond their tribal boundaries to other peoples in Tanzania who are unreached.    

As a tool in this discipleship process Wild Hope has built and continues to cultivate a Retreat/Training Center outside Arusha, Tanzania where Spiritual Formation and Prayer are maximizing discipleship efforts to go deep …in order to go far.

Peter and Tammy Russell

Wild Hope International believes that real change in Africa, change that will last, will not come from the West, but from Africans themselves.  Wild Hope seeks to train, equip and release African Christian leaders who will do just that…bring Gospel transformation to their communities.  We do this by training in Deep Level Discipleship through small groups and leading Discovery Bible Studies with non-believers.

Foundational to Wild Hope’s training is imparting to disciples a deep awareness of the Love of the Father…a love that is transformational.  When we experience the love of the Father and realize our position as beloved sons and daughters, the Holy Spirit leads us in obedience, to become passionate about joining the Father in His mission to reach those who have not yet been reached.
In the 31 years that we have been ministering here, by God’s grace, the Maasai have moved from being unreached to being reached. Now the church planting movement among the Maasai continues with its own leadership, but we, with some of our first Maasai disciples Solomon and Sarah Kipi, are now seeking to generate a heart to go beyond their tribal boundaries to other peoples in Tanzania who are unreached.    

As a tool in this discipleship process Wild Hope has built and continues to cultivate a Retreat/Training Center outside Arusha, Tanzania where Spiritual Formation and Prayer are maximizing discipleship efforts to go deep …in order to go far.

The Valenzuela Family

God called us as a family of 5 to the amazing city of Madrid in 2010, with the vision of planting a church, and that church would plant more churches. We’ve been in Spain for almost 10 years after arriving in January of 2015. We have been planting the church for the past 7 years. We’ve seen God save people, people growing in maturity and understanding of the Gospel and God’s grace, and people being freed from legalistic church environments. People are being freed by the Gospel and are serving Jesus with joy. We are currently working with 3 new church plant initiatives that are coming out of our church. We are pray for God’s grace in our lives to continue to be able to teach God’s Word, train and equip people for life and ministry, and for an open door for the Gospel.

Hope Refuge

The goal of Hope Refuge is to partner with other organizations and individuals to create additional caring facilities in cities around the world with an environment and supportive community in which trafficking survivors can heal from the trauma of abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Through the programs, and in the context of a caring community, they will have an opportunity to discover their passions and gifts. Our hope is to see them empowered to think forward towards a future where their dreams and unique potential can be personally realized and shared with others.